Why do many useful emails fall into my Junk box?

For example, take sender@urdomain.com as example, the email domain is urdomain.com, the most possible reasons for all emails received from sender@otherdomain.com  were going to junk box are:

1. Email domain 'urdomain.com' does not exist.

2. Sender's IP is not listed in 'urdomain.com's TXT record.

3. Sender's email domain txt record is not correctly set.

4. Sender's emails or IP were reported as SPAM.

5. Sender's email content contains suspected SPAM mail features.

6. Recipient's SPAM filtering policies are very strict.

7. If you use 3rd party software to send and receive emails – Outlook, Windows Livemail, Foxmail, Iphone & Android etc, try lower or turn off the SPAM filtering.


For No. 4 & 5 mentioned above, sender can adjust the email content, promotion and fishing emails are strictly prohibited.


For No. 6, please login your webmail and check the filer settings, see below for example"


If you use outlook or foxmail to send & receive emails, please lower or turn off the SPAM filtering accordingly.


If No. 4, 5, 6 mentioned above were correct, please kindly contact the sender to check the mail server DNS and TXT record setting.


For No. 7, lower or turn off the SPAM filtering, take Foxmail as an example:


In Antispam – click Mails Filter - do not check 'Use Bayes spam filter to filter incoming messages'. – bayers strength choose 'Low' and then click 'Apply'.
